One day a black cat gave birth to six kittens on my property.
When I noticed I stay with eight cats.
めい / Mei 先住の猫(黒) / Preceding(Solid black)
ハク / Haku 六つ子の母猫(黒) / Mother of six kittens(Solid black)
とら / Tora 長男の猫(キジ、ハチワレ) / Eldest son(Brown tabby)
正吉 / Shokichi 次男の猫(キジ) / Second son(Brown tabby)
ちょび / Chobi 三男の猫(ちょび髭、ハチワレ) / The third son(Little beard, Black & White)
源次郎 / Genjiro 四男の猫(黒) / Fourth son(Solid black)
さくら / Sakura 長女の猫(黒) / Eldest daughter(Solid black)
蕗 / Fuki 次女(末っ子、ハチワレ) / Second daughter(Youngest, Black & White)
やっく / Yakku 隠れ猫 たまに訪ねてくる / Hidden cat who visits sometimes
There’s always a cat when we travel.
The important thing is whether the cat is there or not,
and out of focus or camera shake is just little thing.
ATYKOSM Photography